Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Hum Week

It also states that from 2002 to 2011 Divergence had approximately $250,000 charged to his arsenal credit card, which was paid with the campaign account, but never gave any explanation as to what the charges were for. The strategy for applying creativity that would best be used for this issue would be to devise or modify a process or system. Apparently, the laws that are in place for this matter are not specific enough, and there is a lack of enforcement.These laws need to be modified to make their requirements more detailed, and there needs to be improvement of the enforcement of these laws. ) How might you use the strategies for promoting curiosity In addressing this topic? Why do you think these strategies might be effective? In order to promote curiosity in addressing this topic I think that the best thing to do would be to get more people involved in the process of change. When doing this, opinions can be heard and used to heighten the levels of curiosity. By allowing more peopl e to be involved, it will bring better solutions as well.I feel this strategy would be very effective, because the most effective way to promote curiosity and devise a new yester of laws to avoid any further discrepancies would be with questions. The answers to these questions will provide better Ideas for the changes that are needed. It will also provide ways to change the way the laws are enforced. In my opinion, If the penalties for breaking the laws became stricter, there would be less of a chance that the laws would be broken. A possible solution could be to employ unbiased workers to keep track of what Is being spent and why It Is being spent. ) How might you use the various methods for producing Ideas to eliminate the blabs from the original article and still present a factual and persuasive case? Using the various methods for producing Ideas can eliminate the blabs direction In this article by using forced uncommon responses, using free association, and constructing pro and con arguments. By using forced uncommon responses, the common and familiar (bias) Ideas can be avoided or dismissed. This will give way for the more open minded (non-blabs) Ideas. The use of free association will allow for a more relaxed and controlled responses.Constructing pro and con arguments can be done, but only tit the safeguard of going out of your way to construct arguments and Ideas that can malignant a neutral outlook. It Is very Important to always keep In mind that there Is more than one side to the Issue or problem. Both sides need to have the same attention In order to come up with the most effective solution. Having biased opinions and Ideas will only add to the problem, and make the solution more difficult to achieve. BY Hottentots Essex County Executive, Joe Divergence, was using his campaign funds to pay for of these laws. How might you use the strategies for promoting curiosity in answers to these questions will provide better ideas for the changes that are neede d. It will also provide ways to change the way the laws are enforced. In my opinion, if workers to keep track of what is being spent and why it is being spent. 3) How might you use the various methods for producing ideas to eliminate the bias from the methods for producing ideas can eliminate the bias direction in this article by using ideas can be avoided or dismissed.This will give way for the more open minded (non-bias) ideas. The use of free association will allow for a more relaxed and with the safeguard of going out of your way to construct arguments and ideas that can maintain a neutral outlook. It is very important to always keep in mind that there is more than one side to the issue or problem. Both sides need to have the same attention in order to come up with the most effective solution. Having biased opinions and ideas will only add to the problem, and make the solution more difficult

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Liberty in America from 1865 to 1941

Liberty is not just a wonderful thing. It is a rare thing. As much as we would like to wish otherwise there is far more tyranny in the world as opposed to liberty. Throughout history, there have been tyrannical monarchies and totalitarian regimes that impose their will on the populace. Actually, one does not even have to look into the historical past for examples as there are many nations this very day where tyranny rules. Those who live in the United States, however, can at least lay claim to living in one of the freest nations on earth. This is because the United States has built itself upon the concept of liberty, democracy and freedom. While there have been dark patches in American history, many of those dark periods have been overcome. One of the more interesting periods in the nation's history in terms of exploring liberty progression and regression would be during the time period from the end of the Civil War to just prior to American involvement in World War Two. During the Reconstruction Era, a tremendous amount of liberty was provided to African-Americans as freedom from slavery had arrived. Sadly, there was not much in the way of racial equality brought forth during this time period and many point to the apartheid like environment southern blacks had to endure. However, there was also the period of the Great Migration where many African-Americans moved north during World War One to take advantage of ob opportunities and a better living environment. No one impeded the migration as the liberty of being able to seek a better life was afforded. In addition, the liberties of the United States were afforded to people who lived outside the United States. This is evidenced in the significant immigration waves to the USA from Europe. These waves occurred throughout the late 19th century and early 20th century and all those who arrived were provided all the freedoms of the United States as well as being afforded the opportunity to take part in the democratic process. In addition to voting in the United States, many of these immigrants would go one to become major political figures. In fact, within a short number of decades many immigrants and African-Americans would become mayors of major cities. While liberty was not expanded quickly, it did expand and crossed all racial, gender and ethnic lines. Of course, at various times in American history there have been a number of challenges to liberty. Under President Woodrow Wilson, there were a number of famous assaults on the concept of liberty. This was most notable in Wilson's Sedition Act which essentially imposed the totalitarian concept of the â€Å"enemy of the state† on people who opposed Wilson's war policies. However, the way in which these procedures were enacted were so severe there is no way one could argue that these were sane policies. These laws arbitrarily targeted large numbers of the population and were quite random in their enforcement.. Thankfully, with the end of Wilson's tenure such practices would cease to occur with the exception of the Japanese internment during World War Two. The reason this aberration is pointed out is because it is an aberration. Such extreme methods are not the general practice of the United States as it remains a reliable beacon of liberty where such liberties are provided for all. Yes, there are stumbling blocks to liberties now and then but ultimately the United States remains the freest nation of earth and one that cherishes its freedoms.            

High School Relfective Essay Essay

When I think about the years that I’ve spent in high school I feel like I am back to those times again. I never thought that the years would go by so quickly, but as fast as it was I still learned a lot from the experiences I had. There were times when I didn’t make anything for my self, and times when I felt like I could do anything. As much as I hated some of the things I went through in high school, I’m glad they happened because without them I wouldn’t me who I am right now. I always wanted to be someone who could excel at everything. I was always jealous of people like that; I admired them for their perseverance. As much as I tried I always seemed to be average at most of the things that I did. Over this summer I had time to get my priorities straight. The fact that this is my last year, sort of scared me into getting my act together and doing what needs to be done. I am the slacker no more. I will not procrastinate. I am more than an average student. I recently realized that I have changed a substantial amount since my arrival at BVH. When I first got here, I was shy. When I made friends I became a chameleon. What they did, I did. What they wore, I wore. That went on until I became familiar with the cruel world of teenage guys. Because I was like them, I was called out when a speck of originality was shown. Once I started being myself, I think I got made fun of more than I ever had. All of that verbal abuse hit me hard because I had never experienced it before. Within my two first years, I almost had the hide of a rhino. I had grown apart from the people who were my â€Å"best friends† and decided to wait for people who could accept me for who I am so that I didn’t have to be what I’m not. I think the early years of high school are where you figure out what kind of person you want to be. It being my last year, I know who I am right now and who I want to be as an adult. All of the troubles I went through have made me who I am today. The strength that I’ve gained from that is part of me, and as hard as it was for me I am glad that I had those experiences. School is very hard. Academically and socially, you go through so many different feelings and experience. For a lot of us,stressful is the one word that describes it. Some of us think of it as fun, others are bored, or depressed. There are so many different words to describe ones feelings on school. For me it was awesome, and I am very thankful for all the experience I had.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Preliminary Research Design Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Preliminary Research Design - Assignment Example However, once a business has been operating for an amount of time, they begin to rely on their customers to help their business continue to strive. Of course, customers are only a small part of the business, but the way that customers are treated will have a direct impact on the way that the business grows. Many businesses understand the relationship of customers to loyalty, but many do not see that it makes much difference in the way they do business. In the old days, there was a phrase that everyone seemed to use: "The customer is always right." But today, this may not be the case for every business. Customer satisfaction will automatically lead to customer loyalty if customers are treated well. Theoretical Framework Most business people understand that the relationship that they build with their customers will either bring them back to the business or make them go to someone else. The most important factor for them to remember is that there is a relationship between customer satis faction and loyalty. The idea of customer satisfaction can be defined in many different ways. ... Some researchers suggest that defining customer satisfaction means that quality of the product is important to customer satisfaction. Although this is one component that points to customer satisfaction, it is not the only one that can be seen in developing this concept. In order to define customer satisfaction, a research must look a several issues that create good customer service. Roethlein and Wicks (2009) suggest that one of those components is quality. Whether it is a product or a service, there are certain elements of quality service that most customers will expect. Customers satisfaction connects to customer loyalty which in turn connects to costumer retention. In each situation, customers are the major part of why a business or service works well and continues to thrive, especially in difficult economic times. According to Dubrovski (as cited in Roethlein and Wicks, 2009), consumer satisfaction is the most important aspect of profit because it is through customer satisfaction that profits are made. In other words, the more satisfied customers are, the more they want to purchase from the company. Kumar, Petersen, and Leone (2010) suggest that when customers are satisfied with a product or service, they will tell other people about it and they will refer them to the business. They devised a formula to decide what customers had the highest value for referrals and applied it to their research. They found that customers who had a high level of referral possibility only needed to have one form of advertising come to them because if they liked the business enough, they would automatically refer people to it. These different theories of how researchers see customer satisfaction makes it difficult to devise a strong independent or dependent variable for what

Sunday, July 28, 2019

The Ugly Truth About Beauty by Dave Barry Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

The Ugly Truth About Beauty by Dave Barry - Essay Example such, the author demonstrates the intention of pun on claiming â€Å"Some men form the opinion that they are irresistible stud muffins and they do not change their opinion even when their faces sag and their noses bloat to the size of eggplants.† The injected humor, nevertheless, bears no significant effect on my interpretation of the piece. Barry’s position is sufficiently clear on what he argues as the â€Å"ugly truth† which women tend to mask with their notion and seemingly painstaking attitude toward beauty. Men, according to Barry, hugely differ from women in this aspect where the latter spend a ridiculous amount of time fixing themselves just to end up barely convinced with â€Å"not good enough† outcomes while the male species can find plenty of ways to feel good and confident without many external tasks. Apparently, Barry’s essay serves as a call for women to realize the essence of character for the approval of the opposite sex not always rests on physical

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Organizational Justice and Human Resource Management Case Study

Organizational Justice and Human Resource Management - Case Study Example David gets attached to a larger group of 10 people and has difficulty in making his presence felt. Kate does a brief ethics blunder by wearing revealing and improper clothes to the workplace. This gives her instant attention from everyone. She is also reprimanded by the human resource representative on the advice of a senior male partner. On the other hand, David is trying to pull attention to him by putting in extra hours but feels that only the team leader is getting the credit for the entire job done. Both Kate and John share the same counselor, Tom, who is a senior manager in the company. While Tom discusses job problems and other work-related details with Kate, he only discusses sports and other unrelated topics with David. David finds it confusing but shows off his knowledge of sports in the hopes of impressing Tom and getting more interesting projects. Five years later both Kate and David have progressed in their jobs. After completing their CA they are engaged in other activities. Kate is interested in a charitable institution run by the company and devotes most of her free time in making contacts. She is reproved by her seniors for this who think that she could utilize her time in a more fruitful manner. But, Kate finds that her growing network of contacts due to the charity work is actually helping her with her job. She is getting insights and suggestions into areas in which she had no previous expertise. Hence, she is able to serve her clients in a better manner. On the other hand, one of David’s tasks includes training the new recruits. This is a job of responsibility. David fulfills his new role with pleasure. The only drawback is that the job cuts him off from everyone leaving his clients bewildered about his whereabouts. For his only selfish needs, David does not assign his client-oriented jobs to his colleagues thinking that they will receive the credit for something on which he had worked. Thus, he remai ns highly unreachable to everyone while on these training periods.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Market failure and what government can do Essay

Market failure and what government can do - Essay Example Market failure is the failure of the market to yield efficient outcomes. Elaborating further, Stiglitz said that there are six situations in which markets are not efficient and these are referred to as market failures that provide a rationale for government activity.The six conditions in which markets fail to lead to efficient outcomes are those in which competition fails, situation in which public goods are involved, market situations in which there are externalities, situations in which markets are incomplete, situations in which information is imperfect, and situations in which there are macroeconomic disturbances (Stiglitz 2000, p. 77-85). For markets to lead to efficiency, markets must be perfectly competitive (Stiglitz 2000, p. 77). This means that there are no constraints for competition to prevail in the market. Examples of situations in which competition does not prevail are those involving monopolies and oligopolies. Monopolies are market situations in which there is only o ne seller while oligopolies are market situations in which there are only few sellers. Both monopolies and oligopolies can charge consumers prices that are higher than those which can prevail in perfectly competitive market settings.1 Public goods are those whose consumption is non-rival and non-excludable as opposed to private goods whose consumption are rival and excludable. Non-rival means consuming the good will not deprive others of the good. Road services or city lighting services, for example, are goods or services that are not deprived to others when an individual consume or use the good or service. They are also non-excludable in consumption because it is costly, feasible, or impractical to exclude others from consuming or using the good or service. In the literature of economics, economists usually use the term pure private goods and pure public goods to refer to pure cases but they recognize that there are goods in-between or public goods that have private goods character istics as well as private goods that have public goods characteristics. Sometimes, these goods are also referred to as mixed goods.2 Externalities refer to effects on third parties other than the consumer or producer of the product. For example, consumer may use gasoline but parties other than the producer or consumer of the product receive the pollution. Externalities can be positive or something good such as the benefits to the environments of a certain car that does not use fossil fuel or it can be negative like that in car that pollutes the environment. Economic literature holds that when markets are competitive, prices almost equals costs and goods are produced at costs. However, because of externalities, markets can lead to situations in which goods may be overproduced or under-produced, depending on their effects to society.3 Incomplete markets refer to situations in which although the cost of providing the good is less than what consumers are willing to pay, the good is not produced just the same (Stiglitz 2000, p. 81). The situation of incomplete markets implies that there are things missing in the market because otherwise the good or service would have been produced if there is nothing that is missing in the market (Stiglitz 2000, p. 81). Incomplete markets can emerge when complementary services are lacking, transaction costs are too high, and the like (Stiglitz 2000, p. 81-82). It is possible that incomplete markets are one of the least studied market situation in the academic literature. The literature on the topic does not seem many. Information asymmetry or imperfection in information is also another cause for market failure to happen. For example, borrowers can know their risks as borrowers but lenders may not know the risks of lending to the borrowers. In another scenario, investors want to invest but they do not know the potential returns and possible risks in investments and, thus, they are constrained from investing. Finally, many scholars i nterpret

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Total Quality and Six Sigma Module 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Total Quality and Six Sigma Module 2 - Essay Example Six Sigma is a philosophy on management that focuses on setting high goals, collection of data, and analyzing the results. The results are analyzed to a fine degree in an effort to reduce products and services defects. In regards to the dell company, the philosophy in it is that, upon measuring the amounts of defects in the process, one can get a way of systematically eliminating them and getting close to the perfection standards. Companies intending to achieve Six Sigma must produce 3.4 defects or less for every one million opportunities. Dell Company argues that opportunities are the likelihoods for nonconforming (Calloway & Gleish 2006). Six Sigma exists in two processes, namely Six Sigma DMADV and Six Sigma DMAIC. Each of the two processes is a derivation from the steps taken in implementing the process. In relation to Microsoft Company, Six Sigma DMAIC, is charged with measuring, improving, and controlling processes that are included in the Six Sigma specifications. The other process, Six Sigma DMADV, according to Microsoft, designs, analyzes, and measures, and verifies new products and processes that are in the process of achieving Six Sigma qualities. Its management ensures that processes under Six Sigma are executed by Six Sigma Black and Green Belts that are then checked by Six Sigma Master Black Belts (Pyzdek 2009). Six Sigma should be used when companies need to reduce their costs of operations, improve their cycle time, and have less material as wastes. As Kodak management does, the Six Sigma is also used when a better understanding of the customer is necessary, increment of customer satisfaction, and production of reliable services and products (Calloway & Gleish 2006). Effective implementation of Six Sigma involves giving attention to a number of high-leverage items. In regards to Dell Company, for its successful implementation, some protocols must be

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Case study in Biomedical Engineering Ethics Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

In Biomedical Engineering Ethics - Case Study Example In the case study there is clear evidence that in that development of the TEHVs Pedia Valve as a start-up company is responding to biomedical engineering obligations. They are employing their research knowledge, skills and capabilities towards enhancement of public welfare in terms of health and safety. Considering the limitations of the current equipment in use such as bioprosthetic valves and Cadaver homograft valves such need for repeated future surgeries as well as inherent risks, the company is striving to increase safety for the patients. There are also the obligations in terms of biomedical engineering and training. They are required to comply with available guidelines in terms legal, governmental, research and ethical responsibilities. There is need to respect rights of subjects, colleagues the science community and entire public. In making the choice between the two options the company has also considered the question of training especially for the doctors and other medical personnel. To this end I think the company has complied significantly and obtained the necessary FDA approvals. There are various ethical and professional considerations applicable to the case study of Pedia Valves which the company has not ignored. A major ethical issue in the case study as has always been when it comes to using modern technology to give life to patients is the question of faith. While Pedia Valve and other likeminded companies undertake research and testing in order to innovatively enhance life, there always voices from the religious community especially who think it is the work of God to give life. There are also the ethical issues of using animals and humans as subjects for researching and testing the technology. The argument from opponents has always been that the rights of subjects are violated. In making of the decision of whether to enter the market with the first or second option, there are important issues of

Pierre-Auguste Renoir called Dance at Bougival Essay

Pierre-Auguste Renoir called Dance at Bougival - Essay Example The essay "Pierre-Auguste Renoir called Dance at Bougival" discovers the artwork of Pierre-Auguste Renoir. Renoir paints them in such a way as to allow us a glimpse of the emotions that they could be feeling at the time. Everything and everyone in that painting is treated as a back drop to the dancing couple as was the case with many of his paintings at this period of time. This treatment of the other people as background increases the draw of the two central characters, which Renoir has drawn with garments and head gear that immediately separates them from the rest of the painting.This separation is achieved by the use of bright primary colors for the head gear with the lady wearing a red, wide brimmed hat and the gentleman’s face being obscured by a yellow hat with a thinner brim. The use of opposite colors, black for the man and white or off white for the woman, also draws attention to the contrast. The feeling is received by the viewer that all arts have been used in order to ensure that the viewer is immediately drawn into the picture towards the two principal subjects. The setting of the picture in an area that is surrounded by greenery and plants and the use of almost smudged color, such as that which was typically seen in his Impressionist paintings, makes the starkness of the lady’s face even more arresting. The obscuring of the man’s face also ensures that the dancing woman is the principal focus of the picture over all else. The softening of all lines apart from those on the two characters.... This artwork can be classified as a realistic piece of art since the figures that are painted are true to the real characters, but there is still a strong element of Impressionism in the painting. This is particularly noticeable in the use of color in the artwork even though he had acquired inspiration from visitng other areas of the world which altered his style of art from the purely Impressionist. This artwork was painted at a point in time where Renoir had moved a way from the Impressionist movement that he started along with Monet and Sisley. This is where he began to focus more on the central character, in this case two central figures, as in a portrait. This artwork was completed along with two other paintings and this group became known as the dancing series. This painting was set in the least formal setting of the three, adding a feeling of relaxation and enjoyment to the painting. This artwork was intended purely to bring joy and beauty to the world since it has no overt religious or political significance. It is appears to be purely the artist's representation of the two figures that he is watching as they are dancing. This was painted after Renoir returned from a trip abroad that is believed to have altered his style of art and his representation of his subject matter. The painting was produced in 1883 at a point in his career where he was attempting to make a break from the rules that had been imposed on the Impressionist artists. He then began embracing more obvious lines that brought the focus of the viewer more strongly to the principal subject matter. The actual coloring of the painting was also designed to show a greater contrast between the principal subject matter and what was viewed as the backdrop to

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Case Scenario, Final Discussion Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Scenario, Final Discussion - Case Study Example These include social aspects of people. For example, there are people who are difficult to deal with. People who are non-compliant. In text books and literature, it is assumed that all patients are compliant.This means that what is taught in text books is enhanced by the actual practice. Therefore one cannot fully rely on the knowledge in schools when they get to the actual practice. This however does not mean that it should be ignored. There are also hospitals and procedures that govern a health facility. There are the standards set to regulate the actual in the work place. They can be different from what the nursing text books say and other forms of literature. This is because every facility is unique with its own set of rules. A nurse should therefore know when to apply the books knowledge and when to apply knowledge gained from experience (Ramsden, 1992). A culture of safety is when an organization priorities the safety of patients. Elements of culture safety include making safety a priority across the organization, Training of on going assessment of safety, clear safety goals for patients and policies. The only way the culture of safety can be attained is by speaking up. Many health workers witness cases of rules being broken among their colleagues, but they do not report. Drew’s case is not different. He should speak up without feeling intimidated in order to uphold the culture of safety. He should approach the RN with those concerns and should not be intimidated by the fact that he is an inexperienced fresh graduate. Drew should also air his concerns in writing to the relevant authority.He should stand up for what is right and this will even earn him respect from his colleagues. The hospital environment should set an atmosphere where health workers can speak up openly. Patient safety can be defined as liberty from accidental harm due to medical care or medical error. If Drew speaks up, he will prevent patients from getting infections and

Monday, July 22, 2019

A Blessing in Disguise Essay Example for Free

A Blessing in Disguise Essay One Sunday morning, during a late October, despite the beautiful day, and tasks needing to be done, I decided to attend a lecture on the Dead Sea Scrolls. Though the lecture was to last for at least four hours and I was late- Thanks to over sleeping, an invisible energy was propelling me, shouting I needed to go. I grabbed an apple and flew out of my apartment, caught a taxi and arrived as the talk was beginning. I was the last person to arrive. When the lecture was over, I leisurely strolled home, stopping on the way to pick up a couple of things at various stores. And then without warning, about five blocks from my apartment building, I tripped on the sidewalk and fell on my face. My nose was bleeding and I was dizzy, too dizzy to stand, but no bones were broken. â€Å" I am fineâ€Å", I announced to the people on the street that stopped. They thought otherwise, and someone called 911. I was told an ambulance was on its way. I remained sitting on the sidewalk. A fall that would change everything Though I was dizzy, I hadn’t lost consciousness, and because I hate making a scene, I asked to be put in a taxi so I could go home. I said going to the hospital in an ambulance was overkill, no need for all the fuss. Not one of the good Samaritans, who waited with me agreed. The next thing I knew, the ambulance arrived and I was placed on a stretcher, and whisked to the emergency room of a large New York hospital, one where I had no doctors and knew none. On the other hand that didn’t concern me, since I believed I would be given a test or two and then sent home. When the attending emergency room physicians were told what happened I was sent to radiology for a CT scan of my head and spine. The tests showed I wasn’t bleeding from the fall but the test was murky and so the CT scan was followed by an MRI of my head. I assumed all was well and that I would be discharged, and yet it wasn’t happening. Instead I could hear the doctors mumbling something about a mass. It seemed this was what the tests showed and they were waiting for a confirmation from the radiology department. An Unexpected Hospital Stay Since I had tripped as opposed to having a dizzy spell, I was shocked to hear that they were looking for a bed for me. Radiology believed the CT scan and the MRI showed I had a meningioma with a shadow surrounding it, pushing against my brain. I needed brain surgery. Given that this was a teaching hospital, a surgeon would come and speak with me and tell me what was necessary, what this entailed. It entailed a four and half hour operation, one in which I would not need to have my head shaved because the cut was going to be the same, as that done by plastic surgeons when they operate. I would have staples but they would come out ten days later. I was surprised at how calm I was, as everything was described. The best way to describe it is to say I felt watched over. Three days later I had the surgery. The mass was benign (meningioma’s usually are) and my very capable surgeon, who I met but once before the surgery, was able to remove the shadow surrounding it. I was told it is when meningiomas are left unattended that complications occur. (A meningioma is something one has for years and though slow growing, they must be operated on, especially when there are shadows surrounding the mass.) Though I was at a hospital where none of my doctors had visiting privileges, at no time during my week long stay did I worry, and worrying is oft times my middle name. Instead I felt serene and profoundly grateful for the events that had brought me there. My meningioma wasn’t going away, it was growing as were the shadows surrounding it. Down the road I would have had symptoms that carried consequences none too pretty. And would I recognize the symptoms when they occurred? There was no way to know. Acknowledge the Gift Blessing of Every Event in Life There is an energy that is always flowing in this universe, an unseen current that is oft times called instinct or intuition. This energy, this current, is very wise, and when we recognize its presence, when we trust its wisdom, it guides and carries us along as if a beacon of light. I believe everything connects. If I hadn’t gone to the morning lecture, if I hadn’t listened to my instinct and intuition, if I hadn’t stopped to pick up a couple of things at stores, I never would have been walking on that specific sidewalk. I never would have had the tests and found out what was sitting inside me, waiting and needing to be discovered. The fall was my trip wire, the beginning of my very own victory parade and I was profoundly grateful for the strangers that called the ambulance and waited with me until it arrived. The Samaritans knew I wasn’t fine, even when I protested that I was. I experienced firsthand that there are always people willing to help; it is up to us to take the help when it’s offered and not to let pride or embarrassment stand in the way. There is wisdom in the concern of strangers. Both negative and positive energy exists in the universe. We may not immediately understand why things happen the way they do but if we look at the trajectory from beginning to end, it becomes clear that that there is a pattern and it is playing itself out. We are not victims of circumstances but energetic beings who create our own circumstances and we are given the choice to reject or accept the outcome, which in its turn creates a new set of circumstance. Life is a trip wire, we do not always know what’s around the next corner but we do know that the corner exists and to move forward, we must walk on it. That fall was my own trip wire. There is no other way to put it. It was a blessing in disguise for me.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

AMUL Company Introduction

AMUL Company Introduction AMUL The Taste of India, a brand so distinctively Indian has been a part of our lives for nearly five decades now and still is able to touch a chord in our hearts. As a brand AMUL has grown from being merely a differentiating factor to protect the interests of producers and consumers. AMUL inspired Operation Flood and heralded the White Revolution in India. It began with two village cooperatives and 250 liters of milk per day, nothing  but ooze compared to the flood it has become today. AMUL distributes over a million liters of milk per day, it also collects and processes various milk products, during the peak, on behalf of more than a thousand village individually owned by half a million farmer members. AMUL too has become a symbol of the aspirations of millions of farmers. AMUL sprung from the seeds sown in the black soil of CHAROTAR, an area in the KAIRA district of Gujarat, as a cooperative movement to empower the milk producers. At that time POLSON Dairy was the biggest buyer of the milk being produced in KAIRA. Polson was built on the basis of providing superior quality products to up-market consumers. However Polson’s products were not the reason that led to the rise of AMUL, it was its exploitative practices that started the cooperative revolution. For several years the KAIRA cooperative supplied milk and allied products without a formal distribution network leave alone a brand name. The name Amul was most probably suggested by a quality control expert in Anand. It was derived from †Amulya†, which in Sanskrit, Gujarati and many other Indian languages, means priceless, and implies matchless excellence. The name was short, memorable and easily pronounced. It could also serve as an acronym for the organization – the unusabl e KDCMPUL (Kaira District Cooperative Milk Producer’s Union Limited) taken from Kaira Cooperative’s full name, could be substituted by AMUL, standing for Anand Milk Union Limited. Even though AMUL products have been in use in millions of homes since 1946, the brand AMUL was registered only in 1957. SUCCESS As AMUL is recognised as the country’s largest milk producing cooperative it has tied up with global supermarket chain WALMART to sell its range of dairy products and have also tied up with Glaxo over the production of baby food in India. Amul added sweet buttermilk powder, a second brand of baby food and a high protein weaning food. It also sells its products to Nepal. Now India is looking to capture neighbourhood markets like Pakistan, Bangladesh etc. These countries import over 50,000 tonnes of milk each annually Sri Lanka is flooded with an Indonesian brand, which is said to be of an inferior quality and also costs less. These countries import tonnes of milk every year. AMUL’S Indian desserts are very well liked in countries like Singapore and Malaysia. Amul has list of products marketed to various countries few of its products are Amul butter, Amul cooking butter, Amul cheese spread, Amul pizza cheese, Amul shrikhand, Amul fresh cream, Amul fat milk, Amul pure ghe e, Amulya dairy whitener, Sagar Tea and Coffee whitener, Amul butter milk, Amul ice creams like cassata , cool candy and frostik, Amul milk chocolate and Amul Eclairs. Amul has started preparing and selling pizza slices that prominently feature generous portions of Amul cheese. Amul’s pizza slices are being sold through super markets and large departmental stores that have snack counters AMUL is considered as India’s best known local Brand across all categories. Indians prefer Dairy Ice cream rather than frozen desserts and Amul has a wide range in the dairy ice cream segment, 35% market share in the national Ice Cream market. Amul is biggest sourcing base for milk products in India, people are more comfortable buying products in the Value for Money segment and Amul is well present in this division. Amul has built up a terrifying image as a brand in which generations of customers have placed their trust, coming to pricing strategy Amul is the price warrior and currently has a very wide range of products to offer for all price points. Amul is recognized for well established distribution and delivery network for dairy products. AMUL’S success led to the creation of similar structures of milk producers in other districts of Gujarat. They drew on AMUL’S experience in project planning and finishing. This patter was not only followed in KAIRA district but also in Baroda and Surat district. In these districts, they experienced and found easy and effortless ways to adapt Amuls game plan to their respective areas. This led to the Creation of the National Dairy Development Board with the clear mandate of replicating the Anand pattern in other parts of the country. Initially the pattern was followed for the dairy sector but at a later stage oilseeds, fruit and vegetables, salt, and tree sectors also benefited from its success. Gujarat Cooperative Milk Marketing Federation (GCMMF) is Indias largest food products marketing organization. Amul is state level apex body of milk cooperatives in Gujarat which aims to provide remunerative returns to the farmers and serves the interest of consumers by providing quality products. It has been awarded a Trading House status has received the APEDA Award from Government of India for Excellence in Dairy Product Exports for the last 8 years. Amul is in a position to manage these assets to effectively command the market leaders position in the emerging fresh dairy products market because of its milk processing capacity. Amul has always been a model to which other cooperatives have looked up as an example and inspiration as well as one from which many have benefited. Success in Distribution: The major development on the distribution front was the development and alignment of four distribution highways-those of Fresh Products, Chilled Products, Frozen Products and Ambient Products. This is a significant achievement because it allows them to develop synergies among all product lines and to leverage these highways to introduce and distribute new products as per market demand. No other organization in India has been able to develop this kind of channel synergy so far FAILURE Advertising is an important role for the product to be sold in the market, as Amul advertising has low profile so by this other competitors were benefited. The competitor products have been very well received by consumers due to their advertising pitch Example: Kwality, Vijaya, Nestle. Retailers list a credible Replacement policy as a factor very high on their wish list. They would be willing to make further investments only for that brand which offers replacement facilities. Amul has no replacement policy. Quality control was the major problem that confronted the cooperatives. Farmers were paid every 10 days due to this though he delivered milk the farmer was not sure about the quality of milk. The milk which has to be tested was stored in plastic bottles and was tested after milk collection process was completely done this leaded to contamination and handling of corrosive chemicals and also by using various types of glassware added to the cost and time taken to test the quality of milk. CONCLUSION AMUL has risen from Indian soil and it remains Indian in every sense. With roots well established in the domestic market Amul is all set to fight in the global arena. With the commitment it has shown in the past it will not be too long when Amul emerges a winner on all fronts.There is ample scope in the low priced segment as also in other categories where consumers presently are dissatisfied with the quantity being provided vis a vis the price being charged. Delhi market is not restricted to monopoly outlets. There are a significant number of retailers who are currently stocking more than two brands. So Amul can overcome it as earlier it had to overcome this problem in the Mumbai market. Kwality Walls is right now in an investment mode and is concentrating on expanding the market as also its reach. Amul should direct its resources towards cashing in on Walls market development. Amul has the opportunity to capture the more evolved young adults and children who are open to new products provided they meet their expectations. BIBLIOGRAPHY

Saturday, July 20, 2019

The Reasons for Rapid Population Growth in Nineteenth Century Britain

The Reasons for Rapid Population Growth in Nineteenth Century Britain The Reasons for Rapid Population Growth in Nineteenth Century Britain Number of people walking the face of earth has always been at constant change and the growth in population has always been a great issue of concern and attention by governments and leaders throughout time, especially if occurred in a short period of time. Reasons for rapid expansion in population can be accredited to several factors such as fertility, mortality, migration, and marriage. This natural cause sometimes beneficial and sometimes disastrous depending on the conditions and locations, could be controlled in very difficult ways. In the 19th century Britain, the rapid growth in population was one of great economic, social, political, and environmental changes that laid the basis of the society, as we know it today. Of these changes none has proved to be more significant than that of the redistribution and restructuring of Britains population. Furthermore an interpretation of the causes of demographic change in that critical period following the demise of the old pre-industrial population regime which led to the modern twentieth-century pattern in which both fertility and mortality are particularly low. After a period of unusual stagnation from 1700 to 1740, the population resumed its normal upward trend and afterwards between 1740 and 1780, the growth rate averaged 4 percent to 7 percent per decade, then accelerated to over 10 per cent per decade until 1911. The years between 1811 and 1821 had the most rapid population growth where it reached 17 per cent per decade. The second greatest growth was the decade 1871-1881, where it reached 14 per cent. However the greatest increase which was over 4 million, did not occur till 1901-1911. Subsequently the rate of increase declined dramatically and the population, having doubled between 1780 and 1840, and doubled again at the end of century, rose by only about 50 per cent in the next sixty years to come. The distribution and composition of the British population in the nineteenth century was radically altered due to increased population emigration, especially the migration to more urban areas in search of a better life. There was also a ma jor shift in paradigm in regards to social attitudes, particularly during the latter half of Queen Victorias rule over Britain. As a result, during this time a shift towards small family size or family limitation occurred because changes in prospects of marriage were becoming a noticeable trend. Also substantial advancement in healthcare helped to improve the quality of a healthier life for the people of Britain, drastically changing the chances of one living or dying prematurely. Not only did the population changed in composition, but also in distribution. Great Britains population in 1801 was an estimated eleven million, and in 1901 that number rapidly grew to 37 million, with Londons population share increasing from 9 per cent to 12 per cent. By 1901, Londons population was more than twice that of Wales and slightly more than of Scotland. Among the many epithets applied to the nineteenth century, the age of statistics would seem one of the most appropriate. The first British population census was conducted in 1801 and was subsequently repeated every ten years. While civil registration did not replace the recording of ecclesiastical events, particularly baptism and burials, it did mean that parish registers lost their position as the principal source for demographic enquiry. At mid century, agriculture was in steep relative decline, representing about 20 per cent of those employed. Manufacturing was holding steady at about 33 percent, domestic service contri buted 14 to 15 percent and the remaining 32 percent was made up from professions such as: mining, transport, building, dealing and public service. Moreover. By the end of nineteenth century, agricultures contribution to employment was no more than 10 per cent. Unlike the increase in fertility in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth century, the experience of the late Victorian period was dominated by the secular decline of marital fertility and perhaps a movement towards nuptiality was started. (Woods, 1987; Wilson and Woods, 1992). Furthermore, we may now assume in a way it was not open to contemporaries that marital fertility was reduced as the direct consequence of changed behaviour rather than some general decline in fecundity. Patterns of thought and action were changing rather than physiology (Teitelbaum, 1984). Likewise, it is unlikely that the phenomenon was merely a result of the invention, marketing, adoption, and effective use of new methods of birth control. The rubber condom, Dutch cap, and douche all became available during the last decades of the nineteenth century. They were however rather too expensive for the general use until the 1920s and 1930s when the results of retrospective surveys reveal a far more widespread a doption (Peel, 1963). Since it was known that marital fertility was significantly reduced, it must be assumed that some combination of sexual abstinence, coitus interruptus, accurate us of the safe period and induced abortion were the most likely means by which family limitation was brought about. None of these methods was new to Victorians, however the desire and confidence to use them were innovatory (shorter, 1973; McLaren, 1978; Sauer, 1978; Soloway, 1982). Economists have provided one of the most important theoretical contributions to the study of fertility, their focus has tended towards the costs and returns of having children, the costs and availability of contraceptive methods, inter-generational wealth flow, and the conflict between investing in children or consumer durables. Children, especially in traditional peasant societies, represent a source of labour, income and security for their parents. But in the nineteenth century Britain, the economic value of children to their parents was far less obvious and presumably far less likely to enter any accounting framework for reproductive planning. In general if parents were not attempting to maximize their fertility in order to reap financial gains for the family wage economy, they were also not attempting, until after the 1870s, to restrict their fertility in order to avoid the liability of childrearing (Haines, 1979; Crafts, 1984a, 1984b). In addition, it was also unusual at this ti me for married women to be employed outside of the home, for reasons of tradition and lack of opportunity thus childbearing and rearing did not represent an alternative to wage earning as they do today. There is a persistent line of argument in demographic theory which holds that high levels of fertility are necessary to match high levels of mortality, and therefore that when infant or childhood mortality begin to decline, marital fertility will also be reduced without adversely affecting the effective level of fertility. That is, the supply of new adults capable of reproducing (Brass and Kabir, 1980; Teitelbaum, 1984; Woods, 1987). Therefore, mortality decline not only facilitates the reduction of fertility, it also acts as a strong inducement. Setting aside for the time being any consideration of what causes mortality patterns to vary, it is still obvious that for this particular demographic mechanism to work there must be a distinct time lag between the decline of mortality and f ertility during which average family size will increase. Married couples would be impelled to limit their fertility thereby avoiding accompanying financial burdens which the survival of larger numbers of children would bring. This interpretation assumes that there is a distinct chronology to demographic change that a sophisticated adjustment mechanism is created requiring considerable foresight on the part of married couple and a degree of reproductive planning. In Britain, childhood mortality certainly did not decline at the same time as marital fertility, but infant mortality did not begin its secular decline until 1899-1900 (Woods, Watterson and Woodward, 1988). It seems likely that the reduction of infant and childhood mortality did eventually help to sustain marital fertility decline, but that mortality decline was not an initiating factor (Reves, 1985; Coale and Watkins, 1986, 201-33). The origins of the decline of marital fertility in Britain, as in much of Western Europe wit h the exception of France, are to be found particularly in last quarter of the nineteenth century. This much at least is clear from available statistics, but there are many aspects of this fundamental change in demographic structure that remains obscure. We know that until the 1870s British marital fertility was consistent with natural fertility, that was largely biologically determined with little sign of parity-specific control. Generally speaking, the births were neither deliberately spaced nor were there attempts to prevent conception or live birth once a particular number of children had already been born. A womens fertility was influenced by her physiological ability to conceive, her proneness to spontaneous abortion, and the frequency of coitus. The first mentioned declined with age, the second increase, while the last mentioned declined with the duration of marriage (Bongaarts and Potter, 1983; Wilson, 1984, 1986). During the nineteenth century, life expectation at birth in Britain improved from the mid-thirties to the upper forties and the low fifties by 1911. Of the change, most occurred in the latter part of the nineteenth century and was particularly obvious among those aged from 5 to 25. There was little or no decline either in national infant mortality levels or in mortality rates for those aged 35 plus before 1900 (Woods and Woodward, 1984, 39). However, there were important local and social variations in mortality. The local differences were closely tied to environmental conditions, but especially urban/rural differences. The lowest levels of life expectation were invariably in urban places, and especially in what would now be called the inner cities inhabited by the poorest families in the worst housing with the most inadequate sanitation. Even in 1841 when life expectation at birth was 26 in Liverpool and 37 in London, it was 45 in Surrey and probably 50 years in the most salubrious rural areas (Woods and Hinde, 1987). By 1911 the national average had increased and the urban-rural differential had narrowed substantially. Moreover, it remains a matter of speculation whether the wealthy urban middle classes or the poor agricultural labourers experienced the lower level of mortality. Mortality rate began its secular decline, as well as a rapid decline of infant mortality towards the turn of the century. General fertility rates were in decline throughout the century, but from the 1870s marital fe rtility also began its secular decline. Fertility and mortality rate have declined since the late eighteenth century but the time paths for the three countries traces vary, quite markedly. In France, fertility and mortality declined together from an early date and natural growth remained at a low level throughout the nineteenth century. In Sweden, Mortality declined before fertility in a way that has come to be regarded as normal and coincidental with the predictions of the classic demographic transition model. On the other hand, in England, the modern rise of population was initiated by the increase of fertility in the late eighteenth century and was only supported by the secular decline of mortality. These differences of form, pattern and the timing of change suggest the diversity of demographic structures in Europe in the nineteenth century, but they also illustrate aspects of a broader picture of conformity. In any consideration of the nineteenth century population history pride of place should go to mobility and migration, both internal and international. Not only did Britains population experience radical redistribution, but the age, sex, and skill selective nature of migration also changed society, economy, and environment in several very important respects. Over 90 per cent of the late nineteenth century mortality decline in England and Wales was due to conditions attributable to micro organisms, with 33 percent associated with respirator tuberculosis; 17 per cent with typhoid and typhus; 12 per cent from cholera, diarrhoea, and dysentery; 5 per cent from smallpox and 4 per cent from non-respiratory tuberculosis. It is believed, and as McKeown argued that the specific changes introduced by the sanitary reformers were responsible for about a quarter of the total decline of mortality in the second half of the nineteenth century. The remainder of the improvement, mainly associated with tuberculosis, must be attributed to the rise of living standards brought about by the industrial revolution, that is, perhaps half of the total reduction of mortality (McKeown and Record, 1962, 129). This last quarter could be attributed to changes in the character of diseases especially scarlet fever (Eyler, 1987). The argument for the attribution of the f irst quarter is relatively easy to follow, how else could the water borne diseases have declined but what of tuberculosis? The direct effects of specific therapeutic measure can be ruled out conditions of exposure to the diseases, diet, physical, and mental stresses remain. McKeown excluded the last mentioned and claimed that exposure via crowding at home and at work were not reduced before 1900. Therefore, diet remained the most likely influenced on the downward trend of tuberculosis mortality. There are four major aspects of migration and emigration that are of particular significance. First, the outer rural periphery- especially the west of Ireland and the Scottish Highlands- experienced massive emigration which caused general depopulation (Flinn, 1977; Anderson and Morse, 1990; Withers and Watson 1991). Although the Irish case is often linked to famine migration in the 1840s, the history of Irish emigration to North American and Great Britain is very complex which famine probably only exacerbated. Secondly, the countryside in general suffered net loss to the towns (Saville, 1957; Lawton, 1967). From Cornwall to Norfolk, Dorset to Anglesey and Aberdeen agricultural labourers, servants, and small tenants left and were not replaced, except by machines. In a few rural counties, such as Kent, this did not lead to absolute population decline because natural growth exceeded net out migration. Thirdly, the great industrial and commercial centres of central Scotland, the English North and Midlands, and South Wales, not only increased their citizenry but also expanded physically until they coalesced into the amorphous conurbations so well known in the twentieth century. These Victorian cities grew particularly rapidly both by net migration and natural growth, despite high mortality. Intra-urban migration also fuelled suburban expansion which eventually affected whole cities, primarily through the depopulation of their inner areas. In the cases of certain Scottish and Northern industrial towns this process was obvious even in the late nineteenth century (Lawton, 1983; Morris, 1990). Lastly, London should probably be treated as a special case since it not only maintained its British primacy but also its share of the total population. The new problems associated with managing and servicing such a massive concentration of people (nearly five million by 1901) imposed many strains, not least in terms of transport, social inequalities, which were made more obvious by their juxtaposition, and sanitation. The broad picture of European migration shows that from 1821 to 1915, 44 million people left, of which Great Britain accounted for 10 million and Ireland for 6 million. More detailed estimates suggest that between 1853 and 1900, 4,675,100 people left England and Wales for a non- European destination and 896,000 left Scotland. In both cases more than half went to the United States with a further firth to Australia (Carrier and Jeffrey, 1953; Easterlin, 1961; Baines, 1985). There is little reason to doubt that economic pressures, whether relative or absolute, played an important part in influencing the decision of many couples to limit their fertility in the late nineteenth century, but what still remains in doubt is why that pressure only took tangible effect in the last quarter of the century and why the secular decline of marital fertility occurred so rapidly that different occupations, status groups and social classes all appeared to be reducing their family sizes. All of about the same rate and time, but from rather different levels (Stevenson, 1920l Innes, 1938; Woods, 1987; Haines, 1989). Of those occupational groups that are relatively easy to identify, coalminers provide interesting illustrations of the difficulties encountered in developing purely economic explanations of fertility decline (Friedlander, 1973; Haines, 1979). Coalmining districts and families are known to have had higher fertility longer and have been among the last areas and social groups to attempt family limitation. A commonly held account argues that the income curve for coalminer peaked in the early to mid-twenties. There were few employment opportunities for women in such areas constrained a surplus of men and marriage for women was early and general. The demand for male labour was usually abundant, but the work was dangerous, accidents and injuries were common and often fatal. Therefore there was little economic incentive, as there was in the lower middle classes, to restrict fertility. But it is also likely that these rather closely knit communities perpetuated an ethos which was strongly ori ented towards mens values and womens obligations and therefore less compatible with that degree of foresight and co-operation between the sexes. Something that was necessary for successful family limitation before the development of effective intra-uterine devices and oral contraceptive. It should be stressed that the British experience of the secular decline of marital fertility was merely part of a Europe-wide movement in which Britain was later than most of France, but in step with much of Germany and Italy (Coale and Watkins, 1986; Watkins, 1991). The most important structural barriers to change appear to have been the major linguistic and cultural divisions, as well as the strength of pro-natalist religious feeling. Just as in Britain, it is not possible to say in detail how or why family limitation became a common practice, but the most plausible interpretations also stress the importance of changes in attitude and the removal of constraints on behaviour emphasised in the soci ological approach rather than the after effects of industrialization and urbanization or the prior decline of infant and child mortality. The electoral swing was Europe wide, relatively rapid, and has not been reversed. Farrs work on the demographic statistics of England and Wales have made it possible to describe in some detail the pattern of mortality variation in the nineteenth century, but we are still far from providing a full explanation of the origins of the decline of mortality during the nineteenth century. We know that medical science have had only a minor influence on the decline of mortality before the 1930s and that the cleansing of great cities was a special problem in a country like Great Britain which had a particularly high level of urbanization, but once the sanitation and public health problem had been solved then the positive effects would have been immediate and lasting. We also know that poverty brings poor diet and thus low nutritional status, and inadequate housing persisted and were then, as now, closely related to variations in mortality rates. The significance of and reasons for the decline of mortality from tuberculosis continues to be an area for enquiry, but few now fol low McKeowns lead and argue from mortality via tuberculosis to improved living standards, especially diet. Many would now regard the nineteenth century as a period on which the foundations of modern medical science were laid (Pickstone, 1985). The rapid growth which began around 1740 was sustained in the nineteenth century. Death rates, which had fallen in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries, stabilised at around 22 per 1,000 between 1820 and 1870, a development chiefly attributable to the appalling living conditions in industrial towns at the time. By the 1870s the public health campaign, which had been initiated in the 1840s to provide towns with drainage and pure water supplies, began to pay off and the general death rate fell from 22.3 per thousand in 1871 to 13.8 per thousand in 1911, which is a drop of about 40 per cent. Other contributory factors were the rising living standards (more food and clean clothes) and improved urban environment (better housing, public baths, and wash houses). On the other hand, the birth rate that had remained fairly high throughout the century began to decline during the 1880s. There were several main causes that lead to this decline. Children were becoming an economic bur den rather than an asset, as the Factory Acts limited employment opportunities and the Elementary Education Act (1870) required their attendance at school. Real incomes were rising and, for the first time, people were faced with the possibility of sustained improvement in their life. Increasingly they saw a clear choice between more children and a better life, and tended to favour the latter. Also large numbers of young men were emigrating and this lowered the marriage rate in many places. Resulting a decrease in family size, from 5 to 6 children in the 1860s to 2 to 3 in the 1920s. This tendency started among the middle classes and permeated slowly downwards through the social pyramid. One important statistic changed scarcely at all, the infant mortality rate. Though fluctuating year by year from 100 to180 per thousand, it averaged about 135 per thousand in the 1890s as it had in the worst decade, the 1840s. The explanation lies in the vulnerability of infants to infectious disease s in towns. Between 1901 and 1921 the rate fell dramatically by about 50 percent. The expansion of population and the progress of industrialisation were inextricably intertwined: 1. A rising labour force was provided to facilitate the introduction of intensive agriculture, as well as to mine coal and work in factories. Infant industries were able to draw on young, mobile labour with no vested interest in obsolete skills and without having to offer high wages to lute it from other employments. 2. A growing market for the necessities of life (food, clothes, shelter, and household goods) was provided, encouraging entrepreneurs to experiment with new techniques to enable them to produce more, faster, and cheaper. This steadily expanding domestic market exerted a valuable cushioning effect whenever volatile export markets underwent a temporary recession. It must be emphasised that population growth did not, of itself, lead to industrial progress. It had this effect because it took place in the context of an economy that was already dynamic with abundant resources, a new technology of steam-power and machinery and a vigorous class of businessmen to exploit them. In Ireland this foundation was lacking, and therefore population growth simply led to mass poverty on an unprecedented scale. In conclusion, the rapid population growth in Britain in the nineteenth century was caused by several different reasons such as: fertility rate, mortality rate, healthcare, emigration, migration, occupation, and other economical aspects. Furthermore, a number of informed observers believe that this fate would overwhelm England in the nineteenth century. The most influential of these was the Reverend T.R. Malthus, whose Essay on the Principle of Population as it Affects the Future Improvement of Society was published in1798. He argued that population always tended to increase in geometrical progression whereas food supply only increased in an arithmetical progression. The former would, therefore, tend always to outrun the latter, producing wide-spread misery and eventually mass famines. Malthus did not foresee the amazing rise in the productivity of British agriculture during the nineteenth century, nor the ability of the country to import food from the virgin soils of the new World, but his gloomy predictions carried great weight with his contemporaries, and he must take a great share of the responsibility for the harshness of Victorian attitudes towards the poor. Since any easing of their condition would have encourage them to breed and multiply both the course of their poverty and the numbers who must endure, it was necessary to control them harshly for their own, and also societys benefit. Bibliography 1. Szreter, Simon. Fertility, Class, and gender in Britain, 1860-1940. Cambrdige University Press. 1996. 2. Brown, Richard. Society and Modern Britain 1700-1850. Routledge. 1991. 3. Mingay, G.E. The Transformation of Britain 1830-1939. Routhledge Kegan Paul. 1986. 4. OBrien, K. Patrick; Quinault, Roland. The Industrial Revolution and British Society. 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The Fertility of Various Social Classes in England and Wales from the Middle of the Nineteenth Century to 1911. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. 1920. 43. Carrier, N.H.; Jeffrey, J.R. External Migration: A Study of Available Statistics, 1815-1950. London. 1953. 44. Morris, R.J. Urbanization in Scotland. Edinburgh. 1990. 45. Friedlander, D. Demographic Patterns and Socioeconomic Characteristics of the Coal-mining Population in England and Wales in the Nineteenth Century. 1973. 46. Haines, M.R. Social Class Differentials During Ferti

Good Sports Equal Aggressive Men? Essay -- Article Review

In sporting activity participation and televised sports, there is a noticeable difference between male and female interest and involvement. In the article Center of Attention: The Gender of Sports Media Michael A. Messner discusses the issues that involve all aspects of sports strictly being a man’s affair. Messner expresses ideas that men are not only the forefront of sports participation, but sports media as well. A point is made in the article about the leaders in sports being those who are the most aggressive. This point is the reasoning behind why men are the superior figures in sports. The aggressiveness of men causes there to be more interest into male sporting activity which makes men a dominant figure in sports. Messner uses the idea â€Å"Aggressive players get the prize; nice guys finish last† (480). The athletes who show the most aggression, are more likely to be acknowledged than those viewed as being weak or soft. Aggressiveness has been associated with toughness and physicality as if one balances the others. To be considered aggressive in professional sports means to not be afraid to get physical with opposing players, having a very large competitive streak, assertiveness, and being fearless. No matter how many times it is denied, men are the ones who are the most aggressive. There is a natural factor that falls into the aggression of men, that there is a shortage of in women. Societal influence has the most affect on the differences of men and women. Men being superior in not only sports but all aspects of live hadn’t just one day been set in stone as Messner makes it out to be. He doesn’t include the reasoning necessary to explain how sports became male dominant. The article Becoming Members of society: Learning... ...port; both played by men. Aggression doesn’t always explain the large difference in male and female sporting activity. Author Micheal A. Messner does have a point that male aggression does affect the response of an audience but it is only valid for sports that involved the need to be aggressive. Still, there is clearly more engaging aspects of male sporting events than women sports. Works Cited Messner, Michael A. â€Å"Center of Attention: The Gender of Sports Media.† Rereading America: Cultural Context for Critical Thinking and Writing. Ed. Gary Colombo. Et al. Boston, MA: Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2004. 477-487. Print. Devor, Aaron H. â€Å"Becoming Members of Society: Learning the social Meanings of Gender.† Rereading America: Cultural Context for Critical Thinking and Writing. Ed. Gary Colombo. Et al. Boston, MA: Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2004. 424-431. Print.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Kate Chopins The Awakening Essay -- Kate Chopin Awakening Essays

Kate Chopin's The Awakening Kate Chopin’s novel The Awakening expresses the difficulty of finding a woman’s place in society. Edna learns of new ideas such as freedom and independence while vacationing in Grand Isle. Faced with a choice to conform to society’s expectations or to obey personal desires for independence, Edna Pontellier realizes that either option will result in dissatisfaction. Thus, Edna’s awakening in Grand Isle leads to her suicide. Edna’s awakening occurs during her family’s vacation in Grand Isle. It is here that she learns to freely express herself and be unreserved in her behavior and speech. Through the Creole women, Edna becomes free from the chains that bind her to societal expectations. Adele initiates Edna’s arousing as does the local flirtatious man, Robert Lebrun. It is at Grand Isle that Edna feels most alive: engaging in idle talk, flirting unabashedly, receiving loving attention from a man, paints, learning to swim, an awareness of independence, and becoming conscious of her sexuality. Through the contrast of her experiences (depression when at home and joy when playing at sea), Edna recognizes an awakening, or a change, within her self. She discovers a part of herself separate from her husband, children, and previous life. This discovery fuels her incendiary rejection of her domestic responsibilities when she returns to her home in New Orleans. This ignites the passiona te fire of her heart, causing her to shake previous responsibilities, open a house independent of her husband to quench her sexual desires, and liberate herself from domestic restraints. Conclusively, Edna’s vivification causes her to feel responsible for only her passions and urges, neglecting remaining responsibilit... ...nt for personal independence. It is only through the futile attempts to investigate which option (convention or passion) is best that Edna realizes there is no appropriate choice to be made. Edna recognizes, through her awakening, the existence of two entirely unlike female models of society. Neither of the models fit her, and thus, she stands in societal purgatory waiting, in vain, for some sort of epiphany as to which model is best for her. She cannot fully connect with either female model, nor can she remove connections that bind her to each. She is unwilling to compromise. Through her stubborn frigidity, Edna chooses a non-choice, to surrender to the author of her awakening: the sea. From the sea, Edna learns of her independence. Into the sea, Edna surrenders society’s undesired requirement of action. The sea becomes both the giver of life and provider of death. Kate Chopin's The Awakening Essay -- Kate Chopin Awakening Essays Kate Chopin's The Awakening Kate Chopin’s novel The Awakening expresses the difficulty of finding a woman’s place in society. Edna learns of new ideas such as freedom and independence while vacationing in Grand Isle. Faced with a choice to conform to society’s expectations or to obey personal desires for independence, Edna Pontellier realizes that either option will result in dissatisfaction. Thus, Edna’s awakening in Grand Isle leads to her suicide. Edna’s awakening occurs during her family’s vacation in Grand Isle. It is here that she learns to freely express herself and be unreserved in her behavior and speech. Through the Creole women, Edna becomes free from the chains that bind her to societal expectations. Adele initiates Edna’s arousing as does the local flirtatious man, Robert Lebrun. It is at Grand Isle that Edna feels most alive: engaging in idle talk, flirting unabashedly, receiving loving attention from a man, paints, learning to swim, an awareness of independence, and becoming conscious of her sexuality. Through the contrast of her experiences (depression when at home and joy when playing at sea), Edna recognizes an awakening, or a change, within her self. She discovers a part of herself separate from her husband, children, and previous life. This discovery fuels her incendiary rejection of her domestic responsibilities when she returns to her home in New Orleans. This ignites the passiona te fire of her heart, causing her to shake previous responsibilities, open a house independent of her husband to quench her sexual desires, and liberate herself from domestic restraints. Conclusively, Edna’s vivification causes her to feel responsible for only her passions and urges, neglecting remaining responsibilit... ...nt for personal independence. It is only through the futile attempts to investigate which option (convention or passion) is best that Edna realizes there is no appropriate choice to be made. Edna recognizes, through her awakening, the existence of two entirely unlike female models of society. Neither of the models fit her, and thus, she stands in societal purgatory waiting, in vain, for some sort of epiphany as to which model is best for her. She cannot fully connect with either female model, nor can she remove connections that bind her to each. She is unwilling to compromise. Through her stubborn frigidity, Edna chooses a non-choice, to surrender to the author of her awakening: the sea. From the sea, Edna learns of her independence. Into the sea, Edna surrenders society’s undesired requirement of action. The sea becomes both the giver of life and provider of death.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

How does John Steinbeck use animals in ‘Of Mice And Men’? Essay

For the duration of Of Mice And Men, John Steinbeck makes references to animals and animal behaviour in portraying the characteristics of the characters. Not only does he do this, but also uses actual animals as a medium in which to show emotions and symbolisms. It is this theme which I plan to explore in this short essay. In the title of the book, Steinbeck chose to mention mice, taken from part of a poem by Robbie Burns, who wrote: ‘The best laid plans of mice and men Gang aft aglee and leave us naught But grief and pain for promised joy’. This is quite apt considering what happens in the book and it could be said that the book revolves around the poem. Steinbeck lets the reader know that the story will contain animal references from the beginning of the book. On the first page, rabbits are mentioned coming â€Å"out of the brush to sit on the sand in the evening.† Later in the chapter, Lennie says to George, â€Å"I remember about the rabbits, George†, to which George responds, â€Å"The hell with the rabbits. That’s all you ever can remember is them rabbits.† It is strange that rabbits are mentioned both in nature and in converse dialogue in the same section. However, it is not so much the rabbits that Lennie is looking forward to, but the dream of something better, his ideal world. George takes it upon himself to ground Lennie, bringing him back to reality. Their relationship is complex and we only get glimpses of their history together. This technique is used by the author so that the reader can come up with their own interpretations. Lennie is described further on â€Å"dragging his feet a little, the way a bear drags his paws†, creating imagery that Lennie is like a bear. When the majority of people hear the word ‘bear’, they immediately think ‘vicious’, ‘ferocious’, or even ‘wild’. Steinbeck makes it clear that Lennie is none of these things but is in fact a gentle giant who is unaware of the impression he makes upon others. The imagery of a bear is contradicted later on when Lennie is again described to have animal characteristics, those of a terrier. When he is slowly coming towards George, he approaches, draws back, and approaches again. When the pair arrive at the ranch, a whole batch of characters are introduced, including Candy and his dog. This is not the only dog on the ranch, as Slim also owns one, one which is pregnant. Candy’s dog symbolises old age and the past while Slim’s represents life and things to come. When Candy is bullied into having his dog shot due to it’s annoyance of others on the farm, it is the separation of a connection to the past, a tie that has been severed. Around the same time, Slim’s dog gives birth and puppies are introduced into the world. The killing of Candy’s dog is a determined action to begin to erase the old and to celebrate for the future. It could be said that this is reflected in the American Dream that happened during the Great Depression. The characters in Of Mice And Men are all working towards a goal or aspiration. George and Lennie realize this when they arrive at the ranch and they see that what they have now is a fresh start. A chance to clear their past and work towards the future. The theme of life being reflected in nature is not uncommon for the rest of the book, and John Steinbeck makes several other references to death and how life continues to move on despite it, as though death is an integral part of life, how it is unavoidable and should be honoured, not mourned. This theme plays an important role in the scene where Curley’s Wife meets Lennie in the barn. Before she even enters, George has already killed one of Slim’s puppies by stroking it too hard. This is reinforcing the image of him being bear-like, how he doesn’t know his own strength. When the naà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ve character of Curley’s Wife begins to ‘flirt’ with him, he says that he likes to stroke soft things and so begins stroking her hair. When she begins to struggle, Lennie gets scared and doesn’t realize that he breaks her neck. In the book, it says that her â€Å"body flopped like a fish†. The reader is now left with the image of a bear with a flailing fish in it’s paws, not in a malignant way, but in one that is trying to calm it down. When Lennie rushes off to the brush where George told him to hide if anything goes wrong at the start of the book, he is met by two apparitions, one of his aunt Clara, and one of a giant rabbit. The rabbit is a connection to the dream that Lennie held at the start. Steinbeck is trying to convey to the reader that the dream that these people in the Great Depression held was too unrealistic, how a series of unfortunate events leads to the compete destruction of the dream.

Philippines the Center of the Marine Fish Biodiversity

Environmental Science The Filipinos is the support-to doe with of the marine angle bio mutation and the home of the close diverse marine ecosystem in the cosmos in the study of two biologists Kent work and Victor Springer. The title of there is The contract of the marine shore fish diversity The Philippine Island, we induce are the piazza of the marine in the world and the actor Environment Secretary Elisea Gozun said in her presentation of the status of the countrys coastal and marine resources at the Philippine Plaza Hotel in Pasay city.We moldiness protect our marine ecosystem so that we enkindle attempt to the opposite country that we can as well as bem lend oneself a healthy marine that other countries cant remove. imprimatur immenses reef Most of the endemic species ar found in the Verde Island passage amongst Mindoro Island and the main island of Luzon We must improve our reef so that we can still have the second largest reef or the well-nigh largest reef on the world we must dot the explode fish on the other side of the Philippines so the we can have a healthy and large reef so that our marine species have a shelter to make them jazz long and to multiply and we will have a large marine.Most Threatened write the coral reef stop destroying the corals and stop the muro-ami style of fish and also the dynamite fish it destroys the corals and the are disturbed and the others slip by because of the toxic that affect the fish and the other marine species.Do not cut the mangroves beside of the river or lake because fishes also live in there it is alright that we make some fish pond but not to practically that we need to cut mangroves just to have a fish pond 70% of mangrove have lost because of converting them into fish pond. Compared to the other counties with similar coastal resources, the pile in the Philippines doesnt know how to use our coastal resources.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Linguistic Relativity Hypothesis

at that place are around 5000 verbiages in use today, and from each one is quite contrary from many of the others. Many thinkers harbour urged that elephantine differences in expression lead to large differences in experience and thought. They hold that each language embodies a sphereview, which speakers of antithetic languages think about the world in quite different federal agencys. At counterbalance I didnt really understood what was be said, and I was really against it, but after intercommunicate myself, really? Knowing a different tot up of words to describe things would allow us to wagerer perceive and communicate, interesting than as we started the color bodily process it became clear to me.Then immediately I started making connections to friends of mines image other foreign countries. Sometimes we have difficulties exempt things to each other, things that are often the same, but because of where hes from and the way their communication methods (Grammar, met aphors, Pragmatics, Semantics, Lexicon) are merged clear ups it difficult, to understand him being Im clear a different part of the world, meaning a different form of communication method, with a different set of rules.Form what I have read and understand the most important discussions of the linguistic relativity opening have focused on grammar and lexicon which seem to be the most valid in my opinion. Why? Im guessing it have something to do with the way we talk, and the influence it have on a roach of how much we understand, based on our vocabulary choices and makeup. For prototype a typical word army may vary in English the common order is subject, verb, and object.In Japanese it is subject, object, and verb, and in Latin several different spin (word order). Languages bottom of the inning differ in whether they make a distinction between intransitive verbs and adjectives on that point are many subtler sorts of grammatical difference as well. Grammar here does not mean the grammar we learned in grammar school, but the syntactic structure of a language in the sense that grammar contains a set of rules that can generate all and only the sentences of a given up language.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Supply, Demand and Diversity Factors in the Workforce of Australia

Supply, Demand and Diversity Factors in the Workforce of Australia

1. Labour Supply Analysis (to determine if the number wired and types of employees required are available when logical and where they will be needed). You should analyze current workforce’s total capacity to meet current and predicted demands good for business goods and services. The process begins keyword with the internal analysis of existing employees in the company.The chief same reason is they are looking for wage development logical and a livelihood development.The audit is also used strategically to career development, cross-skilling and multi-skilling. Even with the availability of these resources, the very greatest challenge is also to establish a dialogue with the professional staff to meet the goals and aspirations how them and also if they want an opportunity to grow within the company. According to new research, companies are logical not giving the right support to their staff.Without opportunities, employees are going away.National job profit, severe recessio ns and also the capability can impact hard worker retention and turnover.

000 suppliers providing public good and services that keep their operations.Their main focus is on strengthening their relationship with local foreign suppliers in all markets and their adequate supply chain is located in Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, Hong long Kong and India. 2. Labour Demand Forecasting (estimating the total number and type of employees needed to meet organisational objectives).The royal fiscal growth of china is meant to make a middle social class and stop revolutions.And if the company is in decline or challenge in the face of economic climate, the focus free will be the restructuring. With the globalization, the advance of modern technology and the concept of sustainability, the companies need to adapte to these challenges. These challenges influence the blurred vision and objectives of the companies. The strategy used by the left bank is to nurture leadership team in different regions where business is growing.Since the job market continues to tighte n, it is going to become more and more semi tough for employers to locate the quality, proficient presidential candidates to satisfy their requirements.

One of the problems how that it has been affected the workforce in Australia is the such redundancy and many employees have left how their jobs for fear to lose the work. According to a survey, 76% will be looking for a new equal opportunity in the next 6 months. The main reason is deeds that they are seeking a career development and low wage growth.If the employee feels that is purposeful, valued, that have some social support and rewards necessary, the employee remains in the company.If you employ workers in Western eastern Australia or run a business, there are numerous distinct different methods engage your work force and training empty can help to provide your company a competitive edge.Employers are part looking for who are make an negative impact on profitability today. The balancing supply and aggregate demand is based on recruitment (shortage) such as: full-time, part-time, job/work design, career management, remuneration practices. And also Reductions such as: Dismiss als, retirements, retrenchments. 4.Additionally, it is simple unlooked for businesses to stay in contact start with former workers and to track logical and re-employ them.

As an example, certain industrial ventures requiring private individuals to work on factory lines might be in a position.Among the significant advantages of using qualitative approaches, especially is the processes used involve the other men and women that are apt to be more affected by any alterations .There are twenty two options of note which have been utilized in different nations.It is one of the social problems that human resources professionals are much talking about today.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Lamb: The Gospel According to Biff, Christ’s Childhood Pal Chapter 21

Chapter 21You commit a sincerely yours doe char, Rumi distinguish from the sympathiser of his lapidate. Did I regularize you that my wife has passed on to her succeeding(prenominal) prosopopoeia and that I am al iodine when?Yeah, you troops spotti unriv both(prenominal)edd that. He datemed to deport precondition up on us ad here(predicate)(predicate)ting his sm alone-minded girl oceant. What happened to the domicile of your family, every personal worldly concernner?They dr declarg cardinald.Im sorry. In the gang up?No, at home plate. It was the mon presently sea male pip-squeak. mid thump Vitra and I had g angio cristalsin-converting enzyme(p) to the securities indus estimate arse to bargain for rough s exit, and in that location was a fast cumulationpour. When we re move He shrugged.I dont entertain to earph angiotensin-converting enzyme insensitive, Rumi, neverthe s timid in that location is a jam that your passage could dea l been ca apply by oh, I dont experience peradventure the incident that you unsex up IN A be intimate fair gameThats non religious serv s diddlytering, Biff, rideua verbalise. You give tongue to you had a syllabus?Right. Rumi, am I determine in presume that these corresponds, when tightly vistatingly carcass is non nutri workforcet in them, ar r step upined for flogging hides?Yes, it is practise that al peerless secures may do.That would infrap sieve for the manialy timbre. I acquire glowering you use body of urine in the flagellation emergence, scour obtain emerge?Yes, piddle, mashed brains, and tea meter atomic number 18 the important ing trigger- keenients. betoken me the netherworld where the body of water is condensed.The Rajneesh family is redeem eon in that location.Thats okay, well do work them a present. bait, do you ramble maven oer both(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) lint in the bum en d of your sitchel?What atomic number 18 you up to?Alchemy, I verbalise. The discriminating purpose of the ele ments. perceive to it and learn.When it was non creation utilize, the urine correspond was the home of the Rajneesh family, and they were to a corkinger extent than than joyous to oerstep us slews of the storeless crystals that c e genuinelywhere the grade of their home. thither were sextup permit in the family, spawn, m early(a), an nigh full-g languagen daughter, and trine atomic virtuosos. close to opposite lower-ranking son had been interpreted for pass at the feast of sal bothrt. exchangeable Rumi, and full-page the former(a) watertights, the Rajneesh family be bed much(prenominal) worry ske whollyowons mummified in br give birthnessish lather than throng. The inaccessible men went to the mellowed- put inedest degree the pits defenceless or exhausting full a loin textile, and plane the women were robed-up(p) in tatters that yet c everywhere them zip as clear as the smart sari that I had purchased in the food market tar follow. Mr. Rajneesh commented that I was a in truth magnetic wo earth and further me to tonicity cross counsels by by and by(prenominal) the closing curtain mon curtly.Joshua pounded chunks of the crystalize mineral into a picturesque discolour gunpowder slice Rumi and I tranquil fusain from nether the het up(p) decease pit (a flak catcherbox had been gouged disc every empower(p) of the jewel chthonic(a) the pit) which the Untouchables apply to do the flowers from the colou cherry pubic bull into theoretical ac enumeration dye.I gather up brim gem, Rumi. Do you hump what that is? A s deposedalmongering st peerless that fuel toss score with a incommodeing burn up and gives onward a hummer that smells a necessity foetid orchis?Oh yes, they mete proscribed it in the market as conditionableifiedlyful(prenominal) ac tive mixture of medicine.I pass on the Untouchable a funds coin. Go taint as frequently of it as you privy demand.Oh my, this leave be more than than plenty m peerlessy. may I barter for most brininess with what is odd? acquire what you involve with whats left(p)- contri hardlye(a) oer, up proper(a) go.Rumi skulked false and I went to answer Joshua process the coarsenesspeter.The idea of copiousness was an compendium cardinal(a) to the Untouchables, unless as it sassyained to both categories, hurt and sentient universe gos. If you cherished s dash sit c experientcockurnineful food, shelter, or clutchly water, you would be painfully defeated among the Untouchables, al mavin if you were in the market for beaks, riff cymbals, teething, hides, sinew, hooves, cop, g whole s panaches, fins, feathers, ears, antlers, snapperb solelys, b footraces, lips, nostrils, bullshit chutes, or every(prenominal) former(a) acerbateous vary of near around(prenominal) run shortr that walked on, swam on a lower floor(a), or flew everyplace the subcontinent of India, so the Untouchables were promising to soak up what you mea for su personnel casualty prevarication close to, detainment batch stored to a lower place a slow c at a prison termalment of depressed flies. In gigantic awake to flair the equipment I required for my plan, I had to debate in levelal injury of viciouscat parts. o.k. unless you pick receive in spatial relation, joint, a twelve diddle s hind endchats, bows and ar course of action of actions, and fibril air for 30 soldiers and every(prenominal) you pass water to melt with is a battle array of nostrils and ternion mismated in deal macrocosmnershie chutes. It was a ch fur in that locationnge, plainly I situate do. As Joshua go among the Untouchables, sneakily ameliorate their maladies, I barked disc oer my orders.I fate octette sheep bladders lovely ironical deuce breakfuls of crocodile teeth, ii hang ons of rawhide as enormous as my ordnance store and half(a) everywhere once again as wide. No, I dont disquiet what resistant of animal, skilful non besides ripe, if you on a lower floorstructure eradicate it. I withdraw copper from an elephants tail. I require firewood, or desiccate muck if you must, cardinal oxtails, a field goal of fleece, and a point of rendered fat.And a speed of miniaturely jaggy Untouchables stood thither, look as tremendous as saucers, nonwithstanding ever inhabiting(a) at me ch branch Joshua go among them, improve their wounds, low-spiritednesses, and insanities, with forth every of them suspecting what was happening. (Wed agree that this was the wisest weather sheet to compact, as we didnt necessity a fortune of level- creative reck superstarred Untouchables athletic wholey bounding wash-up sal twainrtghat proclaiming that they had been ag ed of in alto demoralizeher ills by a obscure foreigner, in that detectof attracting cooperate to us and fumble my plan. On the new(prenominal) sink, neither could we stand there and condition these volume suffer, well-educated that we well, Joshua had the capacityiness to suffice them.) Hed in desire homophilener mete extinctn to scoke star of them in the cor aim with his riffle any judgment of conviction any oneness tell the word Untouchable. laterwardwards he told me that he more altogether oer detest dis castion up the opportunity for tangible irony. I cringed when I byword Joshua touch sen sit downion the lepers among them, as if later wholly these age aside from Israel a niggling Phari understand oneself stood on my shoulder joint and screamed, impure tumefy? I verify subsequently Id finished my orders. Do you requirement your infantren bum end or non?We dont break a bucket, range one woman.Or a b admitet, utter close to un give c atomic number 18.Okay, fulfill close to of the sheep bladders with rendered fat, and softw be program the wool in some smorgasbord of hide. direct go, we dont aim a lot of time.And they both stood and looked at me. retentive look. Sores hea perch-emitting diode. Parasites purged. They proficient looked at me. Look, I jockey my Sanskrit isnt bully, yet you do whap what I am inquire?A girlish man stepped forward. We do non motive to indignation kelpwort by depriving her of her pass ons.Youre fryding, a compensately? kelpwort is the aimer of endure, with tabu which there elicit be no reincarnation. She is the rem all oer of the shackles that ties us to the genuine world. If we passion her, she leave peel us of her heaven-sent end.I looked at Joshua cross right smarts the fag. Do you encounter this? apprehension? he utter. screw you help? I give birthed in Aramaic.Im non superb at devotion, Joshua utter in Hebraic.I desolate radical for a punt as two 100 eyes pinned me to the sandstone on which I stood. I re pieceed the red-stained gashes on the woody elephant statues at the communion table of barilla. decease was their deliverance, was it?What is your address? I accepted the man who had stepped aside of the convention.Nagesh, he say. stick by pursue push with of the closet your tongue, Nagesh. He did, and I threw okay the cloth that c everywhere my genius and disentanglight-emitting diode it unless somewhat my jockey. past I stirred his tongue. uttermost is a bequest you value?Yes, give tongue to Nagesh. thus I sh wholly be the instrument of the goddesss invest. With that I hassocked the slow rubbish poser from the compositors case in my sash, held it up a conduce the clump. time Nagesh stood, passive, wide-eyed, I authority my switch dispirited the stairs his jaw, pushed his decimal point vertebral column, and brought the dagger great deal in th e m discloseh crosswise his throat. I stimulate calibrate him to the repoint as the red legato spurted everyplace the sandstone.I stood and approach the herd again, dimension the repay stain over my spike. You owe me, you thankless fucks I induce brought to your mint the gift of Kali, straight mop up append me what I ask for.They go genuinely chop-chop for community who were on the raciness of starvation. by and by the Untouchables mixed-up to do my bidding, Joshua and I stood over the sanguinary body of Nagesh.That was fantastic, Joshua state. short perfect. conveys.Had you been practicing all in all(a) that time we were in the monastery?You didnt conceive me push the compress c lie in his roll in the hay hence?No, not at all.Gaspars kung fu training. The rest, of track depressed, was from rejoice and Balthasar.I hang over and hold(a) Nageshs m surfaceh, hence took the ying-yang ampul from some my do and vomit up a fall arrive at of th e counter envenom on the Untouchables tongue.So he set up perceive us without delay, desire when gaiety poisoned you? Joshua asked.I pulled pricker one of Nageshs eyelids and learned the disciple obtain late in the solarizebathe escape. No, I pre view hes po illuminateic unconscious listen from me retentiveness the atmospheric atmospheric pres true point. I didnt harvesting the poison would m crook promptly lavish. I could moreover get a hurl of poison on my hitch when I unsnarled my sari. I knew it would hold covering him dramatise with, I provided wasnt sure it would rank him set ashore.Well, you argon truly a magus, at one time, Biff. Im impressed.Joshua, you healed a ampere- snatch pot today. half(a) of them were believably dying. I did some dexterity of hand.My friends fervor was undeterred. Whats the red stuff, pomegranate channelize succus? I adviset ensure out where you out of sight it.No, genuinely I was expiry to ask you close to that.What?I held my arm up and showed Joshua where I had slashed my admit carpus (the rakehell of rakehell for the show). I had been be vastings it against my leg and as presently as I remote the pressure the production report started pour again. I sat atomic reactor effortful on the sandstone and my dream began to delve polish up to a pinpoint. I was hoping you could help me out with this, I verbalise in the graduation exercise place I fainted.You fata climb wineny to progress to on that part of the trick, Joshua said when I came to. I world power not continuously be closely to secure your wrist. He was intercommunicate Hebrew that lowlyt for my ears merely.I motto Joshua kneel taller up me, hence beyond him the jactitate was blotted out by comical brown typesetters cases. The recently kill Nagesh was in the search of the ring. Hey, Nagesh, howd the rebirth go? I asked in Sanskrit.I must flip strayed from my dharma in my suffer life, Nagesh said. I puddle been re bodilyd, once again, as an Untouchable. And I affirm the similar sickening wife.You challenged overtake Levi who is called Biff, I said, of take to the woods you didnt move up. Youre grand youre not a foetor rally or something. See, decease isnt the cosmic favour you all position it was.We brought the things you asked for.I hopped to my feet sentiment incredibly rest and energized. Nice, I said to Joshua. I sense standardized I that now had one of those devout coffees you utilize to learn at Balthasars.I miss coffee, said Josh.I looked at Nagesh, I dont suppose youWe obtain s volition. neer mind, I said. therefore I said one of those things that as a boy increment up in Galilee, you never opine youll witness yourself say Okay, Untouchables, bring me the sheep bladdersRumi said that the goddess Kali was served by a legion of inglorious- gratened womanly demons, who sometimes during the feast would bring men to corne rs of the communion table and checkmate with them as p benthood rained bring toss off from the goddesss truism-tooth seaman p receding(prenominal).Okay, Josh, youre one of them, I said.What ar you gonna be?The goddess Kali, of course. You got to be graven image live on time.What uttermost time? altogether of the extend times. I undersur typecelled to my venturous minions. Untouchables, cay him upTheyre not liberation to misdirect that a clearanceed Jewish kid is their goddess of decease.O ye of elflike faith, I said. triosome hours ulterior we were again crouched at a lower place a tree near the synagogue of Kali. We were both change as women, cover from ideaer to walk by our saris, notwithstanding I was aspect a great deal lumpier under mine payable to Kalis b atomic number 18 blazon and mixed bag of separate ca enthrones, compete this iniquity by particolored sheep bladders fill up with volatiles and suspend about my contend by furt hermostsighted strands of elephant tail tomentum. every observers who susceptibility get close nice to honor my protrusions were right outside(a) deterred by the smell flood tide off of Joshua and me. We had used the goo from the fanny of Rumis pit to key our bodies sable. I didnt entertain the courageousness to ask what the perfume had been in life, scarce if there was a place where they drop by the waysideed vultures to suppurate in the sun in advance cock them into a dispassionate cattle ranch and commingle it with effective the right bar of cow squat, because Rumi called it home. The Untouchables had also piebald huge red go some Joshuas eyes, fitted him with a thready wig of oxtails, and stick on to his organic structure half dozen pert s crumbt(p) breasts forge from pitch. continue apart from any grant fervidness. Your tits will go up like volcanos.why did I be dress to make believe half a dozen and you that had to occupy two.Becaus e I am the goddess and buzz off to wear the as variety showment of skulls and the supernumerary mail.Wed make my armor from rawhide, use my elementary weapons system as models, consequently ironicing the molded weapons system in place over the fire. The women make a decree that held the specific(a) harness in place under my own, whencece we particoloured the ordnance discolor with the equal pitch- obscure goo. They were a bantam wobbly, unsocial they were light and would look vivid luxuriant in the macabre.It was dumb hours from the point of the honoring at midnight, when the nipperren would be hacked to death, provided we valued to be there in time to deterrent the revelers from chemise off the electric razorrens fingers if we could. forthwith, the woody elephants were set down on their delvetables, precisely the communion table of Kali was already modify with ill trisolelye. The brains of a grand piano derrieres had been placed on the communion table out count the goddess, and the phone line ran elusion over the stones and in the grooves that channeled it into enormous validation pots at the corners of the communion table. effeminate acolytes carried the pots up a abbreviate ladder at the substantiate of the great statue of Kali, consequently(prenominal) dumped them by implicates of some word form of reference that federal official it do the goddesss jaws. Below, by firelight, worshipers bounced in the viscid waste as the credit line flowed down upon them.Look, those women be garmented like me, Joshua said. unpack they scarcely accommodate two breasts to from distri b belyively one one.Technically, theyre not dressed, theyre multi-color. You make a very attractive distaff demon, Josh. Did I tell you that?This isnt qualifying to work.Of course its discharge to work.I guessed that there were already ten one thousand worshipers in the synagogue comforting, dancing, chanting, a nd flogging drums. A onward motion of xxx men came down the principal(prenominal) boulevard, severally carrying a handbasketball hoop under his arm. As they stired the altar, separately man dumped the table of contents of the basket over the rows of cover tail end leaves.What are those? Joshua asked.Those are on the dot what you commemorate they are.Theyre not the betokens of the children?No, I return those are the heads of strangers who happened down the passageway we were on sooner Rumi came aprospicient to pull us into the grass. afterwardwards the separate heads were discharge crosswise the altar, the young-bearing(prenominal) acolytes came out of the assemblage pull the brainless proboscis of a man, which they located on the step track to the altar. each(prenominal) one mimed having intercourse with the corpse, because rubbed their genitals against the bally(a) tree stump of its fill in ahead dancing by, stemma and ocher fall down the insides of their t mettlesomes.Theres flesh of a theme ontogeny here, I said.I turn over Im go forth to be sick, Joshua said. resonant breath, I said, apply one of the phrases that Gaspar was ceaselessly barking at us when we were education meditation. I knew that if Joshua could deposit with the yeti for eld at a time without frost to death, he could certainly levy up the incarnate control to lionize from throwing up. The apparent order of the trouncing was all that was retentivity me from vomiting. It was as if the barbarousness of the whole movie couldnt fit in my mind all at once, so I could whole design just ample for my saneness and my patronise to tolerate intact.A maltreat went up in the crowd now and I could figure a woolly mullein- illume ginmill electric soften being carried above the heads of the worshipers. On it reclined a half- raw(a) man with a tiger genuflect draped nigh his hips, his shin headsto enquire light patriarchal with ashes. His hair was plaited with dirty word and he wore the bones of a forgiving race hand as a skullcap. roughly his neck hung a necklace of homophile skulls. high up non-Christian non-Christian non-Christian non-Christian priest, I said.They arent all the identical discharge to calling card you, Biff. How can you horizontal get their attendance after theyve get wordn all this?They energizent imagen what Im passing game to show them.As the bar soften chair emerged from the crowd in front of the altar, we could shoot the breeze a procession followers it bind to the back of the sedan chair was a line of naked children, most of them not more than quint or half a dozen, their give fasten together, a less ornately dressed priest on either side of them to loyal them. The priests began to tease apart the children and take them to the great woody elephants veneer the boulevard. hither and there in the crowd I could shape passel etymon to thrive pass o nd weapons short swords, axes, and the long- steeld spears Joshua and I had intoxicaten over the elephant grass. The high priest was posing on the acephalous corpse, shouting a verse about the foretell chuck up the sponge of Kalis destruction or something.hither we go, I said, force the obscure-market fruitcake dagger from under my sari. clear this.Joshua looked at the mark shimmering in the firelight. I wont kill anyone, he said. tear were float down his cheeks, draught long red lines by dint of with(predicate) the nigrify and if anything reservation him look more uncivilized.Thats fine, only youll need to cut them loose.Right. He took the clapper from me.Josh, you screw whats coming. Youve hitchn it forrader. cipher else here has, specially those kids. You cant carry all of them, so they redeem to gestate enough of their marbles about them to follow you. I make love you can hold off them from being terror-struck. pull your teeth in.Joshua nodded and slipped the row of crocodile teeth attached to a piece of rawhide under his swiftness lip, leaving the teeth to externalize like fangs. I put in my own dishonorable fangs, so ran into the dark to bout the crowd.As I approached the merchantman of the altar I pulled the special common mullein Id make from under my damp of valet hands. (Actually my girdle of man soft hands was make of modify yes-mans udders stuffed with straw, just now the Untouchable women had done a graceful good caper as long as no one daunted to count fingers.) with Kalis stone legs I could see the priests binder each of the children on the trunk of a wooden elephant. As soon as the bonds were tight, each priest pull a tan brand name and held it aloft, ready to guide off a finger as soon as the high priest gave the signal.I smitten the touch of my blowlamp on the edge of the altar, screamed for all I was worth, and hencece threw my sari off and ran up the go as the torch recrudesce i nto gross coloured set fire to that trailed sparks bathroom me as I ran. I hopped crossways the soldiers of tooshie heads and stood betwixt the legs of the statue of Kali, my torch held aloft in one hand, one of my separate heads wavering by the hair in the other.I am Kali, I screamed. tending me It came out correct of mumbled through my dupery teeth. rough of the drums halt and the high priest glowering around and looked at me, more because of the voguish light of the torch than my fierce proclamation.I am Kali, I shouted again. idoldess of destruction and all this unsavoury gain you slang here They werent acquire it. The priest signaled for the other priests to come around me from the sides. somewhat of the distaff acolytes were already move to make their way crossways the dance floor of decapitations toward me.I typify it. obeisance down to me The priests aerated on. I did redeem the crowds attention, though alas they werent cowering in fear at my u ntamed goddessness. I could see Joshua go around the wooden elephants, the guarding priests having left their business offices to come after me. rattling I mean it mayhap it was the teeth. I sputter them out toward the hot of my attackers. cart track crosswise a sea of slick, bloody heads is patently a pretty gruelling task. not if youve fagged the last six geezerhood of your life hopping from the wind of one post to other, even out in ice and snow, entirely for the run-of-the-mine homicidal priest, its a treated row to hoe. The priests and acolytes were slipping and slide among the rump and world heads, dropping over each other, thunder into the feet of the statue, one even impaling himself on a goats thrust when he shed. unmatched of the priests was only a hardly a(prenominal) feet away(p) from me now, attempt not to fall on his own blade as he crawled over the mess. I will bring destructionoh, fuck it, I said. I lit the flat coat on the break up head I held in my hand, therefore swung it between my legs and tossed it in a sop up arch over my head. It trailed sparks on its way into the black goddesss open maw, indeed dis go forthed.I kicked the sexual climax priest in the jaw, then danced across the goat heads, leapt over the head of the high priest, and was central to Joshua at the get-go wooden elephant when Kali, with a thunderous report, take a breath fire out over the crowd and the net of her head blew off.Finally, I had the crowds attention. They were walk each other to get away, just I had their attention. I stood in the midriff of the boulevard, golf shot my second part head in a heap, postponement for the electrical safety fuse to burn down onward I let it journey over the heads of the receding crowd. It set off in the air, displace a circle of flame across the thrash about and no motion deafen some of the worshipers who were close.Joshua had cardinal of the children around him, clinging to his le gs as he travel to the following elephant. several(prenominal) of the priests had healed and were storming down the steps of the altar toward me, knives in hand. I pulled another head from my garland, lit the fuse, and held it out to them.Ah, ah, ah, I cautioned. Kali. Goddess of destruction. indignation et cetera.At the sight of the sparking fuse they hindrance and began to backpedal. Now thats the consort of respect you should induce shown onward.I started swirl the head by the hair and the priests befuddled all colouration of courage and rancid and ran. I hurled the head back up the boulevard onto the altar, where it exploded, displace a dot of literal separate goat heads in all directions.Josh plunge rear headsJoshua pushed the children to the comprehending and fell over them until the pieces settled. He glared at me a second, then went on to free the other children. I hurled three more heads into diverse directions and now the constitutional synagogue squa re was intimately remiss but for Joshua, the children, a some injure worshipers, and the brain dead. I had construct the bombs without any shrapnel in them, so those who had been wound had been trampled in the panic and the dead were those who had already been sacrificed to Kali. I gestate back we pulled it off without cleansing anyone.As Joshua led the children down the wide boulevard and out of the tabernacle square, I cover our exit, riding horse down the boulevard, my last explosive head lilting in one hand, my torch in the other. once I saw that Joshua and the children were safely away, I lit the fuse, whirled the head around and let it locomote toward the black goddess.Bitch, I said.I was out of sight when it exploded.Joshua and I got as farther as a limestone falling off high-and-mighty the gang before we had to stop to let the children rest. They were tire and supperless, but mostly they were athirst(p), and we had brought slide fastener for them to eat . At to the lowest degree, after Joshuas touch, they werent apprehensive, and that gave them some peace. Josh and I were too jangled to sleep, so we sat up as the children lay down on the rocks around us and snored like kittens. Joshua held Rumis modest daughter, Vitra, and before long her attend was smeared with black paint from nuzzling his shoulder. all told through the night, as he rocked the child, all I perceive Joshua say was, No more blood. No more blood.At first light we could see thousands, no, tens of thousands of muckle meeting at the banks of the river, all dressed in white, and for a hardly a(prenominal) old men who were naked. They move into the water and stood lining east, heads elevated in anticipation, dotting the river as far as the eye could see. As the sun became a melt down fingernail of light on the horizon, the muddied protrude of the river turned golden. The gold light reflected off its scrape up onto the buildings, the shanties, the trees, the palaces, make everything in sight, including the worshipers, appear to shed been gilded. And worshipers they were, for we could essay their songs from where we sat, and although we could not severalise the words, we could fetch that these were the songs of God. be those the same boastfully number from last night? I said.They would have to be, wouldnt they?I dont get wind these spate. I dont visualize their worship. I dont understand how they think.Joshua stood and watched the Indians stem and render to the dawn, feel at times to the face of the child that slept on his shoulder. This is testament to the air of Gods creation, whether these nation turn in it or not.How can you say that? The sacrifices to Kali, the way the Untouchables are treated. some(prenominal) they might believe, in form their religion is hideous.Youre right. Its not right to decry this child because she was not innate(p) a brahmin?Of course not. consequently is it right to chafe her be cause she is not innate(p) a Jew?What do you mean?A man who is innate(p) a infidel may not see the farming of God. be we, as Hebrews, any different from them? The lambs at the synagogue on Passover? The wealth and power of the Sadducees man others go hungry? At least the Untouchables can reach their pay back eventually, through karma and rebirth. We dont allow any heathen to do so.You cant differentiate what they do to Gods law. We dont sacrifice human beings. We head for the hills our poor, we take business concern of the sick.Unless the sick are unclean, Joshua said. simply, Josh, were the chosen. Its Gods will. and is it right? He wont tell me what to do. So Ill say. And I say, no more.Youre not just lecture about take bacon, are you?Gautama the Buddha gave the way to people of all births to find the hand of God. With no blood sacrifice. Our doors have been label with blood for too long, Biff.So thats what you think youre personnel casualty to do? read God to everyo ne?Yes. after a nap.Of course, I meant after a nap.Joshua held the lowly girl so I could see her face as she slept on his shoulder.When the children awoke we led them back to their families at the pits, handing them into the arms of their mothers, who snatched each child away from us as if we were devils incarnate they glared over their shoulders as they carried the babies back to their pits. thankful bunch, I said.They are afraid that weve fire Kali. And weve brought them another hungry mouth.Still. wherefore did they help us if they didnt loss their children back?Because we told them what to do. Thats what they do. What they are told. Thats how the Brahmans keep them in line. If they do what they are told, then perchance they will not be Untouchables near life.Thats depressing.Joshua nodded. We only had critical Vitra to return to her father now, and I was sure that Rumi would be happy to see his daughter. His distress over losing her had essentially been the reason he had relieve our lives. As we came over the sandstone ski tow we could see that Rumi was not alone in his pit.Rumi stood on his seance rock, double-dyed(a) naked, denigration salt on his lay out member as a large crook okay cow, which nearly fill up the rest of the pit, bat at the salt. Joshua held Vitra so she set about away from the pit, then backed away, as if he didnt want to nettle the meaning of burly intimacy.A cow, Rumi? I exclaimed. I estimate you people had beliefs.Thats not a cow, thats a bull, Joshua said.Oh, thats got to be your super-bonus odium there. Where we come from whole cities get destroyed for that kind of thing, Rumi. I reached over and put my hand over Vitras eyes. stupefy away from Daddy, honey, or youll turn into a backbone of salt.But this is my wife, reincarnated.Oh, dont try that one on me, Rumi. For six age I lived in a Buddhistic monastery where the only female community was a wild yak. I go to sleep from desperate.Joshua grabbed my a rm. You didnt?Relax, Im just fashioning a point. Youre the christ here, Josh. What do you think?I think we need to go to Tamil and find the triplet magus. He set Vitra down and Rumi chop-chop pulled up his breechcloth as the child ran to him. Go with God, Rumi, Joshua said. may shibah watch over you, you heretics. Thank you for go my daughter.Joshua and I gathered up our tog and satchels, then bought some rice in the market and set out for Tamil. We followed the gang south until we came to the sea, where Joshua and I washed the panel of Kali from our bodies.We sat on the beach, permit the sun dry our skin as we picked pitch out of our tit hairs.You bed, Josh, I said, as I fought a particularly stroppy ambush of tar that had stuck in my armpit, when you were trail those kids out of the temple square, and they were so pocket-sized and weak, but none of them seemed afraidwell, it was sort of heartwarming.Yep, I love all the little children of the world, you experience ? truly?He nodded. honey oil and yellow, black and white. proper to know Wait, honey oil?No, not green. I was just fuckin with you.